Create a Perfect Thanksgiving with Your Pup!

As Thanksgiving approaches, it's time to prepare for a feast that includes not only family and friends but also our beloved furry companion. After all, what's better than sharing the joy of Thanksgiving with your loyal four-legged friend? In this blog post, we'll give you some ideas on how to plan a dog-friendly Thanksgiving celebration, filled with tail wags, tasty treats, and a whole lot of love.

What to eat

While it's crucial to keep your pup away from certain Thanksgiving foods, there are plenty of dog-friendly alternatives. So why not prepare a special Thanksgiving meal for your dog? Here are some ideas:

Unsure what what your dog can or can not eat? Check out our list of Healthy / Unsafe Food in our Recipes section.

What to wear

Dress to impress and get you and your dog in the holiday spirit. Here are some suggestions:

More ideas on what to wear in our Fashion section.

What to do

There are lots of things to do with your pup on Thanksgiving Day:

  • Thanksgiving Walk
    Start the day with a long Thanksgiving walk or hike to burn off some of your dog's energy. This can help them stay relaxed during the day's activities.

  • Thanksgiving Costume
    Dress your dog in a cute Thanksgiving-themed costume for some adorable photo opportunities.

  • Create a Special Meal
    Prepare a special dog-friendly Thanksgiving meal for your pup.

  • Interactive Toys
    Keep your dog entertained with interactive toys or puzzles to prevent them from becoming bored during the gathering.

  • Pet-friendly Games
    Play pet-friendly games like fetch or hide-and-seek with your dog to keep them engaged and active.

  • Thanksgiving Parade
    If you're watching the Thanksgiving Day Parade on TV, snuggle up with your dog and enjoy it together.

  • Give Thanks for Your Dog
    Take a moment to appreciate your furry friend and express gratitude for their companionship.

More ideas on what to do in our Activities section.

What to watch out for

Remember to prioritize your dog’s safety and comfort when participating in Thanksgiving activities:

  • Keep an eye on your dog around the Thanksgiving table to ensure they don't snatch food off plates or beg for scraps.

  • Keep human food out of reach, as many Thanksgiving dishes can be harmful to dogs. Keep them away from fatty or spicy foods, turkey bones, and dishes with ingredients that are toxic to dogs. You can see a list of toxic food in our Health section.

  • Dispose of turkey and chicken bones properly to prevent choking or intestinal blockages.

  • Store leftovers securely to prevent your dog from getting into them.

  • Ensure your dog doesn't have access to alcohol, chocolate, desserts, or any foods with artificial sweeteners like xylitol, which can be toxic.

  • Some Thanksgiving decorations, like certain flowers and plants (e.g., poinsettias), can be toxic to dogs if ingested. Keep them out of reach to prevent accidents.

  • Dogs can be tempted by the smells coming from the trash can. Ensure that your trash is securely covered to prevent your dog from digging into it.

  • Train your dog not to beg at the table and discourage guests from feeding them from their plates.

  • Some dogs may become stressed or anxious around unfamiliar guests. Pay attention to your dog's stress levels. If they seem anxious or overwhelmed by guests or noise, set up a quiet, comfortable space where they can retreat to if needed.

  • If you're having guests over, inform them of any rules or boundaries regarding your dog.

  • Be cautious with candles or open flames, especially if your dog is curious or excitable. Battery-operated LED candles are a safer alternative.

Every dog is different, and what's fun for one may not be enjoyable for another. Always monitor your dog’s behavior and stress level, and be prepared to remove them from any situation if they become anxious or overwhelmed.

If you're unsure about certain foods or activities, consult with your veterinarian for specific guidance based on your dog's needs and health.

This Thanksgiving, let's celebrate not only the feast on our tables but also the unconditional love and joy our dogs bring into our lives. With a little creativity and a lot of love, you can create a Thanksgiving celebration that includes every member of your family, furry friends included. Here's to a day filled with gratitude, gobble-worthy treats, and countless tail wags! Happy Thanksgiving, dog parents!


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Crafting a Tail-Wagging Advent Calendar for Your Dog