PETGEEK Automatic Pet Feeder

Rating: 10/10 Ollie Points

Where you can get it: Amazon

Watch Ollie in action: @olliesjourney

What it is:
It's an automatic pet feeder that lets your dog eat whenever they're hungry. It has an enrichment component, as the dog has to push a button to release a portion of the food. You can modify the amount that will be released with every button press.

Why I bought it:
I had a cat that was always after Ollie's food. Since Ollie didn't eat right when I put his food out, the struggle was real, and it wasn't always clear if he had gotten his food or not. Additionally, Ollie tends to eat more during the night and less during the day. This pet feeder seemed like a good solution for it.

My conclusion:
This product earns a perfect score of 10 out of 10 Ollie Points. It not only keeps the food fresher but also provides a fun experience for Ollie to retrieve his food at his own pace. Pushing the button is also a good way for him to let me know when I forgot to add food to it ;-)

You can find other products in our “Ollie’s Favorite Products” section.